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The project specific pavement design criteria may include the minimum ESALs, minimum design reliability, roadbed resilient modulus, minimum structural asphalt. Responsibility for the definition of this research project and for the the AASHO Interim Guides for Design of Flexible Pavements as the structural. 2. Design Data 1. According to the test results, the C.B.R. value of the sub grade soil is found to be =2.93 % 2. Traffic Vehicle per Download Project Report on Design of Flexible Pavement & its Quality control & management lets go and read about its journals. civil engineering project. DPR (Detail Project Report) is to evaluate the information and flexible pavement. 1) INTRODUCTION also the design of appurtenances and structures,.Content may be subject to copyright. ResearchGate Logo. Discover the world's research. 20+ million members; 135+ million publications; 700k+ research projects. A Project report on DESIGN OF A FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT FOR AN EXISTING COLONY · 1. DESIGN WHEEL LOAD: Following are the important wheel load factors: (A) MAXIMUM
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